Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Is What We Are Eating, Eating Us?

According to our text book "Environmental Studies - Concepts, Connection and Controversaries" there are over 6 billion people in the world and all need to be fed. With the desolution of the hunting and gathering ways for food sources, this has caused our diversed population today to seek alternate ways of producing and preparing foods, thus presenting the "Gentic Engineering" (GE) products.

Genetic Engineering (GE) is a technology used to alter the original genetic material of living cells in order to make them capable of producing new substances or performing new functions. This means it can make the new product stronger, provid added benefits etc.

On the other hand there are some danger to these GE products such as:


Damages to food quality

Increased Pesticides in soil and on Crops

Creation of new viruses

Foods with Genetic Engineering:

Based on the CropWatch list, some of the everyday foods that we eat and enjoy from the Supermarkets and Grocery that were not labeled as "GE" are as follows:

Frito-Lay Fritos Corn Chips

Quaker Chewy Granola Bars

Ultra Slim Fast

McDonald's McVeggie Burgers

Ball Park Franks

Nestle Carnation Alsoy Infant Formula

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